It's good to be home

Friday, May 1, 2009

I've been home from Ireland 48 hours now. Some of you on Facebook may have noticed it's been a rather rough 2 days. As usual, nothing is going as planned. For instance, Wednesday afternoon I had planned to head straight home after my plane landed to unpack, start some laundry, and possibly grab a nap. For Thursday, I had planned (admittedly reluctantly) to send Gregory to daycare in the morning so I would only have to worry about getting Rebecca on the kindergarten bus and then I would actually have a few hours home alone when I wasn't working (it's seriously been over a year since I've had that experience). What a relaxing way to ease back into motherhood.

Well, it wasn't meant to be. On the way home from Logan Airport to my Mom and Dad's house (where my car had been parked for a week), Greg called to say he had to work late, and could I please pick up the kids at daycare on the way home from my parents. OK, no problem. I couldn't wait to see them!! I had been up since 12:00 AM EST, but I hadn't seen my babies in a week, and a couple of hours early was all the better. When I arrived at daycare, they came running up and we had a glorious reunion with lots of hugs. Boy were they a sight for sore eyes, and speaking of sore eyes, Gregory's were crusted with nasty, puss-like goo.

I told myself it was just because Gregory had just woken up (when you've been up since 12:00 AM it's easy to rationalize pretty much anything). I changed my mind at 3:30 AM when Gregory woke up screaming "I can't see!!" Seems his eyelashes had fused together thanks to more dried goo. At that point I gave in and told Greg to leave him home with me in the morning.

It turned out to be conjunctivitis, along with 2 ear infections although he again ran no fever or showed any signs of pain. After an early morning trip to the pediatrician, the pharmacy for the antibiotic, and McDonald's since I now did not have time to make lunch and get Rebecca on her bus, I decided Ireland had all been a hallucination, and I had actually never left Holden.

It was a struggle to get Gregory to take his nap, but once he was asleep, I had to run and grab my camera. After all, how could you be anything but happy to come home to this?

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Unknown said...

Yep, coming home to an angel makes it all worth while!