Join Rebecca's Girl's Club

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rebecca loves to create things. Her newest invention is her 'Girl's Club', which apparently includes all over her female cousins. Here are some materials she has created (I provide translations below each - her ideas are good but she still needs to work on her spelling. My comments are in italics.):

  1. The Rules

    Girls Club Rules

    1. No Boys Allowed

    2. No Spitting Possibly directed at her little brother

    3. No Teasing

    4. Have Fun

  2. Club Book - She made one for each of her cousins. This one is for her cousin Sophia.

  3. Meeting Schedule

    1. Meeting

    2. Recess

    3. Make a map of your ?

    4. Secret Handshake

    5. And last, just in case you forget ... Go back home

  4. Girl's Club Promise (slightly pilfered from the Girl Scouts)

    I promise to protect girls from boys and to serve god and girls.

So who out there is ready to join up?

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Unknown said...

Hi Becca,

Count me in! I have not been in a Girls Club since I was a Brownie! Love ya,
Auntie/Cousin Karen