Our town was hit by a devestating ice storm 12/11. We heard the 1st branches fall around 11 PM, and woke up at 4 AM to the almost continuous sound of falling branches. We lost power around the time we heard the 1st branch fall, and didn't get it back for 11 days. Late on 12/22, they finally got our street running, but we were not so lucky with our furnace. Got that working on 12/23 and spent most of the night defrosting pipes.
It hasn't been all bad for the kids. We camped out in the house for the 1st 4 nights, with everyone sleeping on air mattresses in front of the fire and going to bed by 7:30 PM (what did people do before electricity?). On Monday, we moved to Grandma and Grandpa's house, where we spent the next 5 nights. Finally, Sat., 12/21, we came to our senses and got a room in a hotel. Two families with kids in Rebecca's ballet class were also staying there so they got to play in the pool, see each other at breakfast, etc. Gregory also enjoyed the pool and is under the impression that if he just throws himself off the side, someone will catch him.
We finally got to go home Monday, 12/23. No Christmas tree this year, but at least we have heat now. Rebecca said the worst part was "when we had to check out of the hotel and go home".
Ice Storm
Rebecca in Kindergarten
Rebecca has recently begun kindergarten at Dawson Elementary school. She loves her teacher, Mrs. Mercer, and all the kids in her class. She does think the 15 minutes of homework she is supposed to do each night makes her life "too difficult". Just wait til 1st grade sweetheart. Anyway, she likes riding the school bus, and Gregory loves going outside to see her off/greet her.
Gregory's New Words
Well, there's been a lot about Rebecca up here lately, but the little man has been doing a lot too. He's started the language explosion and has a long list of new words. Here's a sample:
Beba (Rebecca)
I did it
I made a mess
I clean
pease (Please)
ere are ou (Where are you)
ound ou (Found you)
Water (wawa)
oo ot (too hot)
Rebecca's Dance Rehearsal, 2008
Here's video from the dress rehearsal. Rebecca is thrid from the right (at least she starts out there). She told me she didn't want to do the dance so she could surprise me on Sunday at the real recital - we'll have to see.
Rebecca's Nursery School Graduation
I can't believe a whole school year has passed since Rebecca's first day of Nursery school. Here's some video from her Graduation concert. Boy - is she camera shy!
Good luck to her kindergarten teachers!
Rebecca's Kindergarten Orientation
Rebecca had her kindergarten orientation yesterday at Dawson elementary school. They gave each of the kids a silver cardboard crown and a dolphin necklace. She was very excited about it and talked about it all the way to Cam's, at which point she said she was going to play "beach squirrels" with Evan in the sandbox.
The Girls at the Boston Science Museum
The girls and moms hit the Boston Museum of Science yesterday. Here's a picture of 4 very tired girls at the end of the day.
They absorbed lots of important scientific information including how a seesaw works, what a Puff Adder sounds like, and how hard you have to pull on an exhibition before it breaks. Rebecca and Ana also did a study on how kids react when you take toys from them. It was a fun day and the girls were actually very well behaved for 2, 3 and 4. There's more pictures in our Spring 2008 album on DotPhoto.
Playa Del Carmen
Here's some pictures from our vacation in Mexico. Rebecca's favorite part of the trip was 'making friends'. She did a lot of that and by the time we left, almost everyone in the resort new her name, that she was 4 1/2, her brother's name is Gregory, and that she can swim (she actually can't swim yet but seems to be convinced that she can).
We had to guess Gregory's favorites, but they seemed to be jumping off the stairs in the kiddy pool and playing in the sand. It was a fun couple of days and we hope to go back there again some day. Here's a link to all the pictures.
Easter Mayhem
What do you get when you get a 1, 2, 3 and 4 year old hopped up on jelly beans and put them in a room together?
Click to see the video
Easter Egg Hunt
Here's a couple pictures from the Paxton Library Easter Egg hunt. The kids had a great time - Rebecca found 17 eggs despite the 10 egg limit, so we gave 7 to Gregory. Rebecca was very brave and ran right up to the Easter Bunny, sat on his lap and started talking to him. When we asked Gregory if he wanted a turn his response was to hide his face against my legs. Maybe next year Gregory!
Baby Beckham
Here's Gregory demonstrating another of his newly acquired skills - kicking a soccer ball. Coming soon - Baby Brady.
Here are Rebecca and Gregory demonstrating one of Gregory's newest skills - jumping! He is quite proud of himself and his sister is a great teacher!
Snow Day
I'm so sick of snowblowing. When is this &$#@! winter gonna end?(Greg)
Mush Daddy, Mush! (Gregory)
Let's go make snow angels (Rebecca)
Ok guys, I know I have 4 sisters, but what's with these booties?(Gregory)
We adults might be sick of shoveling, but the kids are having a ball in the snow. Rebecca is a great sledder and makes terrific snow angels. Gregory has tried sledding for the first time this winter and loves it, except when his mittens fall off. He also needs some help walking in it.
Ana's 3rd Birthday
Ana turned 3 last week and had an excellent Birthday party on Feb 3rd at Animal Adventures in Bolton. Here's the video. Sorry there's so many of them - I haven't mastered the video editing thing yet. If anyone knows of good (free) video editing software, let me know.
Happy Feet
Gregory has become quite the dancer. His favorite music is the Sirius Satelite Radio Grateful Dead channel. We got some hilarious video of him executing complex dance moves, which I will post as soons as we get our @!*$%# computer back. These include spinning, knee bends, and the 'Happy Feet' shuffle.
Rebecca and I played 'ghost' with him last night where he would throw a blanket over his head and walk around the living room. We made scary ghost noises and he kept on bumping into the furniture and walls and falling over.
He is kind of a komikozee and one of his favorite pastimes is to sit on the coffee table and fall off the edge and land on his hands. He often lands on his face but doesn't seem to mind since he laughs, and climbs back up to do it again.
January 7, 2008 11:08 AM
Here's the video: