Who's Afraid Of A Six Foot Rabbit?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Well, it's the scariest time of the year once again. No, I'm not talking about Halloween, I'm talking about the yearly visit to the Easter Bunny.

Gregory is especially taken with the bunny, and I try not to let my prejudice over the grinning, six foot rabbit color his experience.

For some inexplicable reason, I decided to subject myself to not one egg hunt, but two of them. Saturday we went to the Sterling Academy of Gymnastics Dragon Easter Egg Hunt. SAG, in their ultimate wisdom and kindness, have replaced the bunny with a less scary gigantic dragon. Much better! It was a nice event with the egg hunt, followed by jumping in the huge dragon bouncy house, face painting, and cookie decorating.

Not one to let myself off easy, I decided I had to let Gregory get his picture taken with the bunny. The Paxton library held an egg hunt this afternoon, complete with lurid leporidae. I did manage to allow my children to sit on its lap, and even get a picture.

To show you how hard this was, here's a side by side comparison of reality with what I saw in my mind.

So who's up for watching Donnie Darko next Saturday night? That's right, not me!

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Welcome to my world.

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Father Daughter Dance

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Rebecca and Greg went to their first Father-Daughter dance tonight, hosted by the Girl Scouts. Rebecca wore a new dress, and said her favorite move was the 'slide' (Greg swinging her above his head).

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Authentic St. Patrick's Day

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Today they held the St. Paddy's day parade in Worcester so we bundled up the kids and headed down to Mrs. Lavigne's house for her annual pre/post parade party.

After grazing at the breakfast spread, we headed out for the quick walk to Park Street to catch the festivities. Suffice it to say, it was a bit different than last year, and by different I mean it was 30 degrees colder and pouring rain. After spending a week in Ireland last year, I felt that the rain made the whole experience a little more authentic, but somehow that didn't seem to be much compensation. But the kids and parents were troopers and we managed to last through the bagpipers before trekking back up the hill.

Thanks to Mrs. Lavigne who had an incredible traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner ready for us back at the house.

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Family Pancake Day

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Had a great time at Parker's Barn in Brookline, NH, today with the kids, Greg's girls, and Mommy D. It was packed when we got there and there was an hour and fifteen minute wait. Not to be deterred from our mission of eating pancakes, we hit the gift shop where we looked at lots of cool stuff, bought some maple syrup, and I tried to bribe Gregory into behaving with some maple candy (it didn't work) shaped like a moose head (he picked it).

After, we headed up to the sugar shack to see the process of making maple syrup, but got called back just after the tour started. Good thing too, there was an adorable little boy up there who could actually out talk Rebecca, and the 2 of them were giving the guide a run for his money. Rebecca and I ate delicious pancakes. Gregory decided to be the sausage king of Brookline, NH and ate 4 sausages, Chelsea's kielbasa, and about 2 bites of his pancake.

After eating, we headed outside where I got some rare pictures of all 5 of our babies together.

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